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Approximate scene of the crash; south and east of old Bonaventure station; is shown in this photograph. The plane skimmed low over Dominion Square building; looming in the left centre; and plummeted in to an area bounded by Ottawa; Smith; Colborne and Shannon Sts. Witnesses said one wings broke of in mid-air.<br />
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April 27/1940
Approximate scene of the crash; south and east of old Bonaventure station; is shown in this photograph. The plane skimmed low over Dominion Square building; looming in the left centre; and plummeted in to an area bounded by Ottawa; Smith; Colborne and Shannon Sts. Witnesses said one wings broke of in mid-air.

April 27/1940

Filename: FILE_40_DIS_QUEBEC_134875.jpg
Source: Toronto Star Archives
Date: 22 Apr 1940
Location: Montreal Qc Canada
Credit: Toronto Star Archives
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
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View This Image's Galleries: 1940 - 1945 DIS - Désastres, accidents, faits divers