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1977 FILE PHOTO - ARCHIVES -<br />
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Loch Ontario Monster? Nope; only Del-Rita. Elephants like water; but Del-Rita is absolutely mad about bathing. There she is happily paddling off Ontario Place; where she's one of the stars of one-ring Puck's Canadian Travelling Circus. She's taken for her swim every morning. She's the only elephant I've ever seen actually swimming; said circus spokesman. She goes way in over her head. It's hard to get her out. Del-Rita; 7-year-old female; likes to go under; too; using her trunk as snorkel. That's the Haida in background.<br />
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Bezant, Graham<br />
Picture, 1977<br />
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1977<br />
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PHOTO : Graham Bezant - Toronto Star Archives - AQP

Loch Ontario Monster? Nope; only Del-Rita. Elephants like water; but Del-Rita is absolutely mad about bathing. There she is happily paddling off Ontario Place; where she's one of the stars of one-ring Puck's Canadian Travelling Circus. She's taken for her swim every morning. She's the only elephant I've ever seen actually swimming; said circus spokesman. She goes way in over her head. It's hard to get her out. Del-Rita; 7-year-old female; likes to go under; too; using her trunk as snorkel. That's the Haida in background.

Bezant, Graham
Picture, 1977


PHOTO : Graham Bezant - Toronto Star Archives - AQP

Filename: FILE_77_HUM_Elephant_GB_001.jpg
Source: Fonds Toronto Star
Date: 15 Nov 1977
Location: Canada
Credit: Toronto Star Archives
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
Restrictions: editorial only
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View This Image's Galleries: 1977 - TORONTO - News and Life