Before joining GTI Capital, Jean-Francois Couturier was Presiden
File Photo Montreal (QC) CANADA Jean-FranÁois Couturier, General Partner, GTI Capital. Before joining GTI Capital, Jean-Francois Couturier was President of Transcontinental E.media, a fully owned subsidiary of GTC Transcontinental Group Inc.. Over few years, Transcontinental E.media assembled a portfolio of IT companies. In this context, he served on the boards of all these companies. Before joining Transcontinental, Jean-FranÁois was Vice-President of Bell Global Solutions. BGS supplied network application products to Bell Canada. In this context, he developed new products and services related to Electronic Commerce, managed alliances with service providers and launched Bell Electronic Commerce Network using IP protocols and internet technologies. Jean-FranÁois holds a Master in Business Administration from …cole des hautes Ètudes commerciales and a B.A. Sc. in Civil Engineering from Laval University. Photo : (c) Images Distribution