Palestinian woman  Rasmia Al-akaras 78 years presented a paper proving the ownership of the house in Wadi Hanin Village beside  Beersheba  in the occupied territories in 1948 in the 59 anniversary of the catastrophe "Nakba59"she live now in Rafah Refugee camp 15.May.2007."photo by Fady Adwan"
Palestinian woman Rasmia Al-akaras 78 years presented a paper proving the ownership of the house in Wadi Hanin Village beside Beersheba in the occupied territories in 1948 in the 59 anniversary of the catastrophe "Nakba59"she live now in Rafah Refugee camp 15.May.2007."photo by Fady Adwan"

Filename: 0705_Nabka59_5.jpg
Source: Digital
Date: 13 May 2007
Credit: Agence Quebec Presse
Model Release: No
Property Release: No
Restrictions: Editorial Only,
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