1968 09 30 OBT - JOHNSON Daniel - Funérailles
1968 - Funerailles de Daniel Johnson, Sept 30, 1968, a Quebec
Daniel Johnson Funerals, Sept 30, 1968, in Quebec City Funeral procession for Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson winds slowly through a gray drizzle today for solemn funeral mass at the Basilique de Quebec. After the mass, celebrated by Maurice Cardinal Roy, the body was taken to Montreal to lie in state there until burial tomorrow in Johnson's home riding, Bagot. 1968 PHOTO : Graham... more » 1968 - Funerailles de Daniel Johnson, Sept 30, 1968, a Quebec
Daniel Johnson Funerals, Sept 30, 1968, in Quebec City Funeral procession for Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson winds slowly through a gray drizzle today for solemn funeral mass at the Basilique de Quebec. After the mass, celebrated by Maurice Cardinal Roy, the body was taken to Montreal to lie in state there until burial tomorrow in Johnson's home riding, Bagot. 1968 PHOTO : Graham Bezant - Toronto Star Archives - AQP « less